TEDx Tepian (a.k.a. TEDx Borneo)

TEDx atau ajang TED yang dilaksanakan secara independen oleh komunitas lokal mulai berkembang luas di Indonesia, setelah muncul di beberapa kota besar, komunitas di pulau Kalimantan mulai mencoba mendorong gagasan ini agar bisa terwujud. Kenapa diberi nama Borneo dan bukan nama kota? Ini karena pulau Kalimantan yang terdiri dari 4 provinsi tidak memiliki penduduk sebanyak pulau Jawa misalnya. Jadi lebih realistis menamakannya TEDx Borneo karena bisa mencakup Pontianak di barat, Banjarmasin di Selatan, Palangkaraya di tengah dan Samarinda dan Balikpapan di timur. Suatu potensi berbagi yang luar biasa besar dan beragam. Ikuti akun Twitter @TEDxBorneo untuk ikut berpartisipasi dan mendorong perubahan di daerah kita ini :-)

Catatan: Inisiatif ini telah berubah nama menjadi TEDxTepian. Silahkan kunjungi situs resminya di http://www.tedxtepian.com.

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6 Komentar

Busana Muslim mengatakan…
artikel tulisan yang baik,,nice post slam kenal
betting33 mengatakan…
Olocip's analysis has helped predict how the virus will spread across the country and which areas will be hit hardest, allowing decisions to be made on where to move resources "before the system collapses," when to lift lockdown restrictions as well as being better prepared for future pandemics.
syy577 mengatakan…
"I think our models are the best we can find about the pandemic," Granero tells from lockdown at his home in Marbella. "It's already been used by institutions and we have been asked in different countries, not only in Spain, so we are happy to help.
dok222 mengatakan…
"When a problem is so huge, a global problem, and it's affecting old people and people with vulnerabilities, it's your responsibility to do your best in the way you can to try to help, this is nothing heroic.
ccclub700 mengatakan…
"I think the heroes are in the hospitals treating patients and risking their lives and we are just doing the best we can in order to make this prediction, that is our speciality."
hgame75 mengatakan…
After being contacted by a friend who founded the 'Stop Corona' platform, Granero began focusing on the pandemic when Spain declared a state of emergency on March 13.