NASA announced Thursday 31 Juli 2008 that laboratory tests aboard the Phoenix Mars Lander have proven that water exists on Mars. No organic compounds have been identified, but the space agency hasn't given up hope. "We have water," said William Boynton of the University of Arizona, lead scientist for the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer. "We've seen evidence for this water ice before in observations by the Mars Odyssey orbiter and in disappearing chunks observed by Phoenix last month, but this is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted." (Dikutip dari CNET News.com)
These two photos, taken four days apart, show ice has disappeared due to a process similar to evaporation. Note that the lumps in the lower left of the trench in the photo on the left are not seen in the photo on the right.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/Texas A&M University

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3 Komentar
Nah, makanya kita harus memperbanyak penelitian luar angkasa, sehingga kita kuasai dulu mars! Sekarang kan penduduk bumi sudah 5 milyar, lumayan kan kalau seperlimanya aja bisa tinggal di mars.
Nah, semoga pemikiran gila ini tidak mempengaruhi siapapun yang membaca???
Maklum, lagi stres overload kerjaan:p